What is the Duty of Brother in Law for brother wife ?

What is the Duty of Brother in Law for brother wife ?


Then Judah said to Onan, “Go in to your brother’s wife and perform the duty of a brother-in-law to her; raise up offspring for your brother.” But since Onan knew that the offspring would not be his, he spilled his semen on the ground whenever he went in to his brother’s wife, so that he would not give offspring to his brother. What he did was displeasing in the sight of the LORD, and he put him to death also. (NRSV)

Genesis 38:6-10

Does Holy Books contain these instructions…. ?

Do you really think God will give such Orders?

write ur views in cmnts!

35 thoughts on “What is the Duty of Brother in Law for brother wife ?

  1. navyveteran

    God nor Jesus, wrote the bible. It was written by man the way ‘he wanted it’ and the books that were found, where intepreted by the men of the day and how they wanted it to be. I cannot imagine a God that would kill for something like this. It seems like a reason for men to be able TO have sex with his sister in-law , another way to degrade the woman and call it from God. I love the meaning of the bible, but the text and words are man’s!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. parveen sheriff


    What he did was displeasing in the sight of the LORD, and he put him to death also. (NRSV)

    what abt the above. they themselve beleive that it is displeasing to their lord.
    can u make ths clear to me?


    1. Milad Khan

      I fink dat, not sure duo,

      “What he did was displeasing in the sight of the LORD, and he put him to death also”

      by not performing incestous action towards his brother wife, he was put 2 death infront of the dis-believers by da dis-believers (humans/ followers of saytan)

      but sorry 2 ask another questions wiv a question is dat, cudn’t this av been avoid, by marrying ones brother, if the brother is no-longer married 2 her, or had divorced her? Than could av der brother ejaculated his semen’s in2 her & also be aloud 2 av kids lawfully?

      It doesn’t seem lyk a case off illness passing throw or even incestous?


  3. ASAD

    sorry sir you are doing same what non muslim wants,if you kown same things in futher……….please don,t speard.BECAUSE AT LEAST HUMAN MIND THINK WHAT THEY SEE WHAT THEY LISTEN WHAT THEY READ…………..???????SO PLEASE SPEARD GOOD THINGS


  4. Mashal

    If Bible had remain in its original condition than Allah has not to recalled His Message again… Such verses can only seems the garbage of men mind ! In past, every time Allah’s message were for the pride of humanity not for devil deed…


  5. S.BROWN(Brescia-Italy)

    sometimes i get baffled when i read some texts from the
    bible.there r alot of contradictions n christians still say
    its the word.how can GOD ask one to sleep (HAVE SEX)
    with his brother’s wife?this is unthinkable.there r no such
    CONTRADICTIONS in d HOLY QUR’AN, NO! there is no book
    like the HOLY QUR’AN.Lets say ALHAMDI LIL LAH for being


  6. Kausar Ahmed

    All commits above i find them very confusing
    So what does Islam say in the matter of looking after your brothers children’s


    1. Answering Christianity Post author

      This is not looking after brother childrens…. in bible god saying to go and have sex with ur brothers wife…
      when the man trickly avoided then god became angry….! why he didnt have sex with the women,,so he killed him…!


      1. Milad Khan

        Quran teaches us to seek refuge from the Shaytan (Satan) before reciting the Quran.

        Try doing the same for the bible & listen/ learn to what it says ???

        The Bible is expired, but the Injil (Original Bible) is still in the Qur’an. Don’t u realize DAT? Y do u fink that the shaytan are updating it constantly? He is not going 2 giv up so easily & going 2 burn in hell fire for eternity! He is our strongest enemy not our frienemy, my bro from another mother!

        LISTEN N LEARN, go wiv the flow

        Incest is wrong? Yes or No? Ur Biblical god is saying to u commit incest with ur brothers wife! Don’t u see this?! ?O(

        Fink bout it, are u still Human or Shaytan? Ask urself this, if u still believe in the bible out this present day & the quot that we r debating ere. May Allah av mercy on u : )

        p.s A wise person said “Infinite patience brings immediate results.” Wayne Dyer

        Allah is far more wiser & he gave us the Qur’an through Muhammad (pbup). Have patience, Allah is with the one who is patience and than ask him wat u wish 2 ask…..,


              1. Milad Khan

                1. It is very difficult, if u already believe in something with all your heart and have your complete faith in it.

                2. U r asking the question “Y did god kill that man when he did not have sex with the women god asked” Right or wrong?

                3. Ask yourself this does this make any sense? Does it disturb you?

                4. If it does confuse you or makes you feel nauseous. Than ask yourself, there’s something wrong here?

                5. I would request you kindly to do further reading of the bible, if it truly enlightens your heart, than it is the words of god.

                6. But, if it doesn’t than it the word of MAN, (Man made stuff will make your heart beat faster) Gods words will make your heart stay in the same place,


                God is with the patience one, if i had upset u in anyways, please forgive me, because i have found god by being patience.


  7. Yahaya

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in ISLAM ,(REMEMBER) There is no any RELIGION IN THE eyes of ALLAH except ISLAM. so stop comparing CRISTIANITY and ISLAM in any way, if you a TRUE Believer, May ALLAH Forgive our Sin. thank you


    1. abdus samad

      MUSLIM i dont think that you r a muslim……….and please stop abusing christians and others and misguiding everyone and making them think that muslims think this kind of rubbish…………motherfucker


    2. Adamawa

      remember Allah (The all knowing) said invide them with wisdom. dont abuse, cos it is not the best way to invide the unbeliever to the sirathil mustaqeem. may Allah (The merciful) guide us all. Ameen


  8. miranda

    Please stop spreading negativity about other religions. If you don’t like people saying unkind things about your own religion, how can you then go and do the same? If other people say unkind things about your beliefs, then it is fair to protest, but if you then go spreading negativity about another’s religion, you are no better than the people you claim to protest against.
    God is great, all-loving, all-forgiving. Peace.


    1. Humayun

      There is nothing negative about Islam, if you find any, it’s untrue. If you want to find out about Islam, then don’t study a Muslim, study the Qur’an and the authentic Ahadiths 🙂 The above information needs to be put out there as there people who only know 1 or 2 verses from the bible and think it’s from God, who are obviously misguided.


  9. Noel

    shameless fellows !! r u human ?! dont play with human feelings !! if u believe in God !! then stfu n believe !!
    u will b saved if u believe in god idiot’s !!


    1. Answering Christianity Post author

      u r shameless,
      even after knowing truth u still accept that..

      Do u think its god order,to go and have sex with brothers wife….what a god ….

      If im wrong or lieing,then speak up,post evidences that im lier…

      I can see how much you enjoy x rated book….idiots…..

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Muhammad Zubair


    Message for all
    what is said and written ascertain the offer (say or said) statement and then analyze ur self either its true or not because every human has instilled with basic moral values to sense right and wrong, but still find confusion then consult wid othrz till u find the answer wid good logics and facts satisfying ur soul and basic ehtical/moral value.

    if u do it for QURAN ALHAKEEM Insha Allah u will find every statement(verse) true and logical.
    investng any other book bible, geeta, etc. u can see the differences in their contradicting statements not only with basic ethical values but with their own other statements.


  11. Saifullah Butt

    I think the thinking of their Fathers that bible can change according to the era it totally wrong, what bible is? if every one read qur’an they can understand very well………..


  12. inamullah khan

    As muslim it is necessory to accept ,regard ,all 4 books of Allah subahnaoThalla(God) and all Messenger of God.
    A muslim can not be a muslim if he refused these 4 books and saheefas.These 4 books are Torate, Zaboor ,Anjeel and Quran, all are holy books of allah.kindly note the difference between Anjeel and Bible and other Holly Books.
    Bibble is the man made interpetition ( Tafsser and detail made by men in their own interest as per demond of riched people and Govt authority by taking mony inlieue of changes) so kindly do not treat bible as word of God.
    you can find contraduction in each eddition if the auther is different there is no resembless.
    While Holly Quran is 100% pure orginal word of God and Allah has taken his own responsibility to make it safe and unchangable commen example( some IT and media keeps their file safe un writable and any one can not making changes or can not be copy it)
    So Holy Quran is safe in LOHI_MAHFOZ and in the chestand eart of Muslims even no can add or delete on point …
    There is no contraduction in Holly Quran,
    All orginal messages of God and mentioned in all orginal books are included in Holly Quran
    Quran is for all you can read and understand and can get
    guide line if you are confuse.Do not related abuse sentenses to Almighty Allah.


  13. Alhaji

    Alhamdulillah the religion of truth provides understanding and not degradation of the women as we show kindness, peace (salam) to those brothers and sisters and we do not use women for our own pleasures we respect our sisters.
    And Qul huwwallah’u Ahad Read surah Ikhlaas (112) There is only one God as this surah tests all theories that if you can compare someone to God like humans then that is not not God Wa lam yakun la’hu kufuw’ an ahad And there is none like unto him.


  14. Kanuchi

    To me that was in the ancient days nw,if the man dies the woman will either remarry or stay single,bt most times she goes on to marry



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